Data Protection Officer Solutions from MPC

Canada's Best Virtual DPO and CPO Service

Why Trust MPC's VirtualDPO™?

The role of a DPO is to independently ensure the protection of individuals' data. MPC's Virtual DPO™ is a Privacy Risk Advisor™ who reports to the highest levels of management, ensuring that processes, assessments and education are in place.

VirtualDPO™ Expertise

Your MPC Risk Advisor™ is a dedicated privacy pro, certified to manage data protection projects, interface with IT and security teams and confidentially advise all levels of management.

VirtualDPO™ Support

Whether you require a Virtual Data Protection Officer (DPO) or a Privacy Advisor™, MPC employs certified professionals to facilitate compliance with legislation such as PIPEDA, PHIPA, MFIPPA, GDPR and Loi 25.

VirtualDPO™ Advisory

From on-demand consulting to board level advisory, MPC's Virtual DPOs feature the highest levels of accreditation in data proteciton and tangential fields including information security, governance and project management.